an update....

Tommy has a Ginkgo tree!!! his backyard!!!  I'm so excited.  The guy that built his house over 50 years ago, worked for UT and the university has Ginkgo trees growing there, so we surmised that he probably either planted the seed or a young sapling right after he built the house.  The tree is really tall and so neat.  I love the leaves.  Tommy's tree is a female and has to be at least 40 years old because it takes these trees that long before they start producing fruit.  We found some seed on the ground and I brought them home and planted them, but what I'll really need to do is collect them in the Fall after they fall and plant them when they are viable.  I know the seeds stink, but that's fine with me...I want the real Ginkgo, not the newer varieties or the males that are fruitless.  More seeds = more trees!  I'm hoping I'll have my own historic tree...from Tommy's!  How neat is that?  More on the Ginkgo later.......


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